Create an idea stunt/campaign/activation etc. while Incorporating animal themes for World Animal Day to earn national attention for this brand.
Creating an activation event fully immersed in black lights and fluorescent face and body paint to support a wildlife foundation.
To show that this brand is invested to bring awareness to potentially endangered species in our ecosystem.
Redesigning product for event .
Social media and print Promotion for the event.
In celebration of animal world day, the tripping animal brewery will have an indoor tropical jungle event displayed all in black lights and fluorescent colors and face painting to bring out your inner tripping animal Spirit. A percentage of All the proceeds gathered from the event will go to a nonprofit organization to preserve and protect wildlife.
your trippy spirit animal
Fluorescent Face Painting will be available at the event. There will be a total of three stations of face paint artists to get your face painted as your tripping spirit animal. See as you glow in the dark with our black lights stationed in the building for you to take photos and videos.
Fluorescent product design
Using white aluminum cans as well as re-coloring the designs on the labels in the fluorescent color set, to have your beer can glowing under the UV black lights that will be Display all over the event for a true tripping animal experience.